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Daily Newsは、私もDMM英会話のレッスンで頻繁に利用しています。ニュース記事をベースにした教材で、会話の材料として最適です。内容は短くまとめられており、読みやすいです。VocabularyはiKnowと連携可能で、日本に関する話題の記事も多いです。以前はengooやDMM英会話のサイトから無料で読むことができましたが、スマホには適していませんでした。しかし、アプリ化により、大変使いやすくなりました。



【iKnow!】Sentence Trainer の結末

Sentence Trainerはどこまでやったら完了なのか?

英単語学習アプリiKnow!のコンテンツにSentence Trainerというものがあります。



この度、「英会話マスター4000 コース1」のインジゲーターがMAXになりました。






Sentence Trainer の進捗表示


「英会話マスター4000 コース2」の Sentence Trainer に進みたいと思います。






Most US Workers Want Four-Day Week, Survey Finds


Most US Workers Want Four-Day Week, Survey Finds

Summary and Impressions (Revised by ChatGPT)

People want to get more holiday and get paid the same amount.
I think so.

Summary and Impressions (Authored by Me)

People want get more holiday and get paid same amount.

I think so.

Summary and Impressions: A Review by ChatGPT



  1. "want get" の部分は不完全です。"want to get" とするべきです。
  2. "get paid same amount" も "get paid the same amount" とするべきです。


"People want to get more holiday and get paid the same amount.
I think so."

Tokyo Ward Sending Students Abroad on School Trips


Tokyo Ward Sending Students Abroad on School Trips

Summary and Impressions (Revised by ChatGPT)

All third-year students at Tokyo's Minato ward public junior high schools will be sent abroad on school trips in the year 2024.
Next year, in order to help students better understand foreign cultures, Minato ward has decided to send the students to Singapore.
The Japanese students may be able to take classes at local schools and have exchanges with local students.

I think this is very good news.
If everyone gets a chance to go abroad when they are young, they should take it.
Because the experiences, feelings, and insights gained when people are young are invaluable and can only be acquired at that time.
I hope the students will be able to feel something beneficial for their progress through their sensitive senses.

Summary and Impressions (Authored by Me)

All third-year at Tokyo Minato ward's public junior high schools will be sent abroad on school trips in 2024.
Next year, in order to help students better understand foreign cultures, Minato ward has decided to send the students to Singaore.
The Japanese students may be able to take classes at local schools and have exchanges with local students.

I think this is a very good news.
If everyone got a chance to go abroad when they are young, they should go.
Because, sense, feelings, insight, consideration when people were young are very important and we can get them only at that time.
I hope the students to feel something good for their progress by thier sensitive sense.

Summary and Impressions: A Review by ChatGPT


  1. "All third-year at Tokyo Minato ward's public junior high schools" - 「at」の後に「students」が必要です。
  2. "will be sent abroad on school trips in 2024." - 文法的には正確ですが、文の流れのために "in the year 2024" とするとより明確になります。
  3. "Next year, in order to help students better understand foreign cultures, Minato ward has decided to send the students to Singaore." - "Singaore" は誤りであり、"Singapore"が正確です。
  4. "I think this is a very good news." - 「news」は不可算名詞なので、「a」は不要です。
  5. "If everyone got a chance to go abroad when they are young, they should go." - 時制が一致していません。"got" と "are" が矛盾しています。
  6. "Because, sense, feelings, insight, consideration when people were young are very important and we can get them only at that time." - この文は不明瞭で、意味が不明確です。
  7. "I hope the students to feel something good for their progress by thier sensitive sense." - 「to feel」の前に「will be able」が必要です。また、"thier" は "their" の誤りです。


All third-year students at Tokyo's Minato ward public junior high schools will be sent abroad on school trips in the year 2024.
Next year, in order to help students better understand foreign cultures, Minato ward has decided to send the students to Singapore.
The Japanese students may be able to take classes at local schools and have exchanges with local students.

I think this is very good news.
If everyone gets a chance to go abroad when they are young, they should take it.
Because the experiences, feelings, and insights gained when people are young are invaluable and can only be acquired at that time.
I hope the students will be able to feel something beneficial for their progress through their sensitive senses.
